Die before you die

The Invitation of Impermanence

The Invitation of Impermanence

Letting go of our self-identity feels scary. It feels like death. It kind of is a death, but the death of a false construct. The false identity was never really who we were despite what we felt and believed. Letting it die doesn’t change anything in the world. It only frees our anchor in the river and allows us to flow freely with life again. Something we used to do as children until we stopped.

Letting our self-identity die frees us to perceive the world around us differently. We’re free to grow, change, evolve and connect more with the Divine. Our hardened identities can prevent us from connecting with Allah, and experiencing Allah around us. It can prevent us from developing a personal relationship with Allah.

If we cling to our self-identity, it can be a form of false worship, or shirk. It all comes about from a fear of the unknown. The fear keeps us trapped and stagnant, when life and existence all around us is change, growth and movement. We’re constantly being invited to surrender into its flow.