
Ridicule, Mocking, Taunting, Jesting

Ridicule, Mocking, Taunting, Jesting

Humor is like a double-headed axe. This type of tool is wonderfully effective if used by someone who understands how to handle it and use it well. However, if the user doesn’t understand the tool they are using they can cause serious and long-lasting harm to others and themselves without intending to.

Ridicule and its cousins inherently create separation. It calls attention to something undesirable, exaggerating it and drawing attention away from merits or favorable qualities. Those who agree become part of the “us” or “we” group. Those who disagree or align with the unfavorable trait become “them.”

By creating separation, now there is the ability to create a better-than-less-than situation within the group dynamic. That which is laughed at, and thus who align with that which is laughed at, is automatically demoted and less-than. Those who laugh are elevated to better-than. In this way humor is used as a power move. If someone in the less-than category brings the light of Truth to the situation, they are automatically slapped back down with a well timed “It’s just a joke! Geez, can’t you just take a joke?” which itself is another kind of power move.