self care

Being My Own Best Friend

Being My Own Best Friend

It asked a question: “Would you speak to your best friend this way?” Uuuuhhh, No! Absolutely not! She wouldn’t be my friend at all, no one would, if I said even one of these things to someone else.

The article continued with: “If you said ‘no,’ then why do you speak to yourself this way?” I thought my reason was good. I thought my negative self-talk pushed me to do better than others. I thought it was the reason I succeeded in my endeavors.

The article continued with, “Why not be your own best friend?”

Right Sizing Expectations

Right Sizing Expectations

I’m reminded, my anger and disappointment in people are often a result of unmet expectations. I can’t control other people and mitigate the hurt that way. What I can do, is be willing to adjust and align my expectations to reality. It’s not easy, but it is empowering. Here is my process to readjusting my expectations when I realize they are not aligned with reality…

The Gift of Boundaries in My Life

The Gift of Boundaries in My Life

When I experienced an interaction with someone with healthy boundaries, I experienced them as cold, uncaring, cold-hearted and distant. What I’ve discovered is what I experienced as “warm and caring” was actually enmeshment. What felt “cold and distant” is actually respect and space. Now I, boundaries allows for space between two people. Once people know where each begins and ends, there can be a gap in the space between. Each person can choose what they put in that space in between. Boundaries allow me to give the gift of safety and respect to others on all these different levels. There’s space for acceptance, care, patience and gratitude. These are all components of love. Boundaries allow me to love myself and others more authentically and deeply.